Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fell Off The Wagon?

So... Here is the story. Classes started up again, worked 4 jobs, got hit by a car. Then got sick. Totally lost my motivation and I had to stop exercising, and unfortunately, I started eating very poorly as well! Not to mention the new boyfriend weight, haha! But you know what? That's just life. I'm still very busy, and I try to squeeze in a workout when I can, but I know I can do better than that. I have become a pescetarian and it is one of the best decisions I've ever made!

I gained about 20 pounds since the last post because of all the bizarre things happening to me, felt horrible about it, but I know that flukes happen and I'm going to my best to be healthy, do my best to train, and I know I'll be on top it in no time.

Maybe I haven't been able to be as strong with my healthy lifestyle, but you know what, I'm back and I'm going to do it the right way and not beat myself up about it, but have goals in mind. I want to run a half marathon in April (difficult to train since there is snow absolutely everywhere in Boston right now), want to get back to my measurements! I never intended to be healthy temporarily, hit a goal and then just pretend like I'm done. I want to be in it for the long run, so gradual changes are so important. I exercise AT LEAST 4 times a week, and I eat as healthy as I can. I indulge sometimes, but that is perfectly fine - because I'm not on a diet, this is my life. I choose the healthier life, I choose to get back on track if I fall off.

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