
Getting Started.

I actually started my fitness journey in April 2012, after I went to the doctor and they told me that I gained 17 pounds since December 2011. I was shocked because it was so much, and I hadn't really realized the extent of it. I never weighed myself because I was scared to, but there was one incident where I tried on a dress I bought a few months earlier and sat on the floor and cried because the zipper wouldn't budge, not even an inch... Sounds silly, but until that happens to you I don't think you'll know what I mean!

I am not obese at all, nor do I look that bad. To many, I could be a skinny girl complaining, but until you're in my skin, you don't know how I feel. I've had a history of weight problems and body image problems since I was 13, and I'm happy to say that I've gotten better since then. But this isn't about the weight, or being skinny. It has a lot to do with it, because it was one of the main sources of my stress when I was younger, but this is about building a happier life. If you have the same goals, I'll try to help us both out.

I take my tips from other blogs, trainers and nutritionists at the gym. If you have better tips or need to correct me on something, do not hesitate to tell me. In fact, I would really appreciate it! I'm being careful, as I don't want to get myself or anyone else injured. I do not pretend to be a fitness guru, but I'll strive to be. I'm trying to help myself out, so if you're coming along for the ride, do so safely and only do what you feel is right.

How To Start.

Daily exercise and clean eating are the main things to focus on to get fit. Remember its 70% diet and 30% exercise. Make sure you're eating 5-6 small meals a day, 3 hours between each other. Learn to make your portion sizes smaller, and trust me, after a while, any larger portion will seem and feel too much. You also have to be dedicated to working some part of your body every day, along with eating healthy. Trust me, a few months ago, this seemed to be the most IMPOSSIBLE thing. I ate junk food shamelessly, drank like an alcoholic sorority girl and the only exercise I ever got was from dancing or walking in heels...

I started by forcing myself to go running with my friend Christine, who is my personal fitness trainer! (Not that she knows she is, anyway... Hehe) My main body image qualms are my inner thighs, which are as mushy as can be. So when I went on this run, they flapped, jiggled and scraped each other the whole time. Don't let that deter you. In this journey it is truly mind over body, and your mind has to get stronger too. You will build and grow willpower, determination and confidence - you aren't just born with it. So no matter how crappy you're feeling in the first month, don't give up, because you'll never regret it.

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